Sunday, 2 September 2007

my new look

after my grooming class, i come home looking like this. i wont say i look ugly its just im not quite use to this kind of look.totally different. just looking ...mature, yea thats he word. mature. especially my eyes,look! i have to have eye shadow that is SO visible.if my teacher cant see any then there is no make up well that is what she is gonna think. so from tomorrow onwards i have to put on make up which is SO visible that everyone would know that i am using make up. gosh! applying on make up is a hard work. sigh... anyway the curl i have is not a permanent curl cos the guy from the saloon say if i do curl my hair then later my hair will definitely terbakar so to prevent it to happen nothing has been done to my hair except tong it every morning.stupid! its a hard work you know getting up in the morning just to do my hair n make up. so not fun!

enlighthen me on what the word friend really mean.i look up in the dictionary and this is the the is brief but clear enough to understand.

A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement: friends of the clean air movement.
Friend A member of the Society of Friends; a Quaker.

my definition of friends would be a person whom one knows, likes and trusts.
i was going through my fs and i saw a friend of mine post something on the buletin. she posted 8 post on the same thing, same doing so she must really want this person to read.anyway, i open it n see whats the content.its more on friendship and how the other person wants to end it and stuff like that. lol! i cant help not being perasan la,but it sounds like its refering to me la hahaha..anyway who knows who is it for but the words inside mostly i dont agree.the word friends itself has a wide range of definition.
its written in her post that a friend will not mind if ur friends talk bad behind your back..hmm...this i memang kenot agree...there are limits that what a friend can do n not do. even friendship has its own this shows a clear picture that in anything u do, u must not cross the line.
to me friends is someone whom i can trust,be there when i need a shoulder to cry on, give me advice when my brain is not functioning, tell me that what im doing is actually wrong when it is actually wrong and not someone whom talks behind my back and then when i find out, you tell me that you're just worried and that is why you talk behind my back.adding words is SO not caring,in case ure not aware of to me it sounds more like bullshit to me than you really care...the list of what friends are to me can go on and on but then again if you're a true friend then you are, why should i even bother to i list it down...