just the other day i asked phyl wad tag is all about? and now i'm officially TAGGED =)
[A is for age:]+ im 21 this year but definitely feels like im 16 ;p owh well age is just a number...its what you feel that counts =D
[B is for beer of choice?]+ I hardly drink beer! it taste bitter =.=
[C is for career:]+ lawyer (in the future)
[D is for your dog's name:]+ i have 2 dogs weiller and casper
[E is for essential item you use everyday:]+ cellphone, purse and sunblock
[F is for favorite song at the moment:]+ martina mcbride - valentine
[F is for food you want]+ at this moment of time i cant think of any...hmm...maybe its because im not hungry
[G is for favorite games:]+ quadrapop?its the game from my cellphone. the only time i play games is when im really bored.get the idea now? i dont usually play games hehe
[H is for hometown:]+ Kuching
[I is for instruments you play:]+ im not talented when it comes to music
[J is for favorite juice?:]+ Honeydew
[K is for kids?:]+ maybe in 8 years time hehe
[L is for last hug?:]+ Last night
[M is for malls:]+ as long its a shopping mall =P
[N is for name of your love:]+ mum,dad,jr,weiller n casper owh and HIM
[O is for overnight hospital stays:]+ nah~never, not that i remember
[P is for phobias:]+ Dark alleys and heights
[Q is for quote:]+ what goes around comes around.
[R is for your race:]+ Chinese
[S is for status:]+ single
[T is for things you like:]+ Shoes, Bags,manicure set and cloths
[U is for underwear:]+ i have it in all kinds of colour but i personally like it black
[V is for vegetable you love:]+ im ok with all kinds of vege
[W is for worst habit :] + not cleaning my room everyday
[X is for x-rays you've had:]+ None
[Y is for yummyfood you make:]+ im still learning how to cook yummy food =)
[Z is for zodiac sign:]+ capricorn
i'm not not sure of the game.i know that i will have to tag someone.i wonder can i tag more than one person? hehe anyway i'll start with one first.i actually wanted to tag cody but he already have 2 pending tag so i wont wanna add one more for him.so i tag ALAU =)