say again.
hmmm...i baru habis post just now and i check my chat space and surprisingly i have a msg from kpc which to me would mean kepochi.this name really suit u la dear whoever you are.i cant reply tru the chat space, i also donno why but nvm la i post a post just for you =D
1st of all i have to thank you for dropping by my page cos obviously you read my post.
2. u sound like you know me so i guess i can somehow assume who you are.
3.if you think i am a 2 face then who are you?an angel from heaven where you think you're the nicest of all or the devil biatch from hell?well obviously ure not the angel but who cares. if you think that i am a 2 face then obviously you have stepped on my tail and i am just trying to be nice to you in order to be a good christian. so i am not proclaiming that i am the nicest person but i am trying so help me god. in this blog you think i am being nice because i am 2 face then you are wrong cos my blog is for my frens and whoever that wanna read is always welcome.and besides, i really do care for these frens of mine =p